Monday, January 18, 2010

Revision Essays

1. I remember….I don’t actually remember as much as I’d like. I can’t remember details from my childhood. I remember a couple of important events, but not much. What does tend to awaken my memories is sensory manifestations. The sound of a certain audioboook can awaken memories of what I was doing last while I was listening to that book. I can even recall specific moves I made in a game while listening to it. I can remember what emotions I had and what I was thinking about while eating certain foods. When I feel something, sometimes I remember another time when I felt the same thing. I sometimes get intense feelings of déjà vu, aware of the fact that I had dreamed the thing that was happening before, which is rather eerie. It’s never anything important though. Just random things. When I see something, I sometimes remember where I saw the thing before, such as when I’m driving, I’ll remember a certain landmark and that’ll tell me where I need to go. Smells can help me remember conversations and events, which is curious. When I smell something, I’ll sometimes have a flashback to a time when I smelled the thing before. A lot of my memories are sensory or sense linked, which can be really annoying when I’m trying to remember something and I can’t remember how. One time, I was trying to remember where I put my homework and I leaned my hand against a piece of wool fabric my sister had been working on. I suddenly remembered standing in the room, leaning down to examine the fabric, touch it and then…ah, yes. Putting my homework behind the computer so nobody moved it. Another time I was stuck on a level in a game, although I had beaten it before. In frustration, I put on the audiobook “The Golem’s Eye” and suddenly recalled how I had completed the level.

2. I sit trying to remember….Not as many memories come to my mind as I'd like. I can’t remember details from my childhood. I remember a couple of important events, but not much. I think about what does tend to awaken my memories: sensory manifestations. The sound of certain audioboooks can awaken memories of what I was doing last while I was listening to that book. I can even recall specific moves I made in a game while listening to it. I can remember what emotions I had and what I was thinking about while eating certain foods. When I feel something, sometimes I remember another time when I felt the same thing. I sometimes get intense feelings of déjà vu, aware of the fact that I had dreamed the thing that was happening before, which is rather eerie. It’s never anything important though. Just random things. When I see something, I sometimes remember where I saw the thing before, such as when I’m driving, I’ll remember a certain landmark and that’ll tell me where I need to go. Smells can help me remember conversations and events, which is curious. When I smell something, I’ll sometimes have a flashback to a time when I smelled the thing before. A lot of my memories are sensory or sense linked, which can be really annoying when I’m trying to remember something and I can’t remember how. I fondly remember a time when I was trying to remember where I put my homework and I leaned my hand against a piece of wool fabric my sister had been working on. I suddenly remembered standing in the room, leaning down to examine the fabric, touch it and then…ah, yes. Putting my homework behind the computer so nobody moved it. Another time I was stuck on a level in a game, although I had beaten it before. In frustration, I put on the audiobook “The Golem’s Eye” and suddenly recalled how I had completed the level. I smiled. This memory of mine is sometimes frustrating...but also often quite useful.

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