Wednesday, November 11, 2009

On entitlement

Frankly, I don't think anyone is entitled to anything. You need to work for your stuff! Probably the most obscene example of entitlement I've heard about was a family that was so obese that they couldn't go out and work, so they had to get money from the government to stay alive. But that's not all. They claimed that because they were all obese, they were entitled to more money to support their lifestyles. I think that's disgusting and the government should stop giving support to bottom feeders like them. Like I said, no one is entitled to anything. Except for whiny people who think they're entitled to good treatment. All they're entitled to is a swift kick in the rear. You need to work to succeed. I used to not have to work for good grades. When I got to high school, I finally realized that I wasn't entitled to those grades. I was just smart and I wasn't having to work. And that wasn't going to fly in high school. So I started working and I started succeeding. Simple, isn't it? If you can work, and you've got skills then you've got a good chance at success. Who you know and where you've been help, but they're not essential. So I think those whiners from good families can take their pedigrees and toss them. Because in my world, you work for your success!

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